Professional energy saving 1″ 24mm clear flat Low E double glazing units glass for curtain wall factory

What is Low E double glazing units?

Low E (Low Emissivity) double glazing units are energy-efficient glass units that are designed to reduce the amount of heat that passes through the IGU glass. The float glass or tempered glass is coated with a thin, transparent layer of metal oxide that reflects heat back towards its source, while allowing natural light to pass through.

This can helps insulate your building by keeping warm air inside during the winter and preventing heat from entering during the summer. Low E double glazing units, Shenzhen Dragon Glass also called DGUs, which are an excellent option for owners who want to reduce their energy bills and create a more comfortable living environment. They are commonly used in residential and commercial buildings, as well as in automotive and aerospace applications.

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Different kind of Low E IGUs panels

How’s the production of Low E double glazing units?

Clean the float glass sheets that will be used in the double glazing units. Once cleaned, the glass sheets are then cut to the desired size and shape using specialized machinery.

The edges of the glass sheets are polished to ensure a smooth finish and prevent any sharp edges. After polishing, the glass sheets are washed and dried again to remove any remaining debris or particles.

A spacer bar is then placed around the perimeter of one of the glass sheets. This spacer bar creates a gap between the two sheets of glass that will be filled with air or gas.

Low E coating tempered glass is then applied to the inner surface of the first glass sheet. The second toughened glass sheet is then carefully placed on top of the coated glass sheet, creating a sealed unit with the spacer bar in between.

The sealed unit is then placed into specialized machinery that adds a desiccant to absorb any moisture and seal the unit. The finished Low E double glazing units is inspected for quality before being shipped out to customers.

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Machine for Low E double glazing units

Specification of Low E double glazing units, IGUs

Products Name Low E double glazing units, Low E IGUs, Low E DGUs, double pane insulated glass, Low E dgu glazing, Low E glass dgu, insulated Low E glass, dgu structural Low E glazing
Thickness 4+4mm, 5+5mm, 6+6mm, 8+8mm, 10+10mm, 12+12mm Low E double glazing units
Spacer 6A, 9A, 12A, 16A, 19A, and customized Low E IGUs
Spacer Color Sliver, Black, Grey, and so on.
Combination 4+9A+4mm Low E insulated glass, 5+12A+5mm IGUs, 6+12A+6mm tempered Low E glass, 8+16A+8mm IGUs
Performance Soundproofing, energy-saving glass, brighter, safety, UV reduction, and so on.
Delivery Time Normally 10-15 days, more based on projects.
Cost of IGUs The cost of Low E double glazing units depends on projects and different performance
Low E double glazing units, IGUs price, insulated glass cost, 24mm DGUs, double glazed sliding doors, double glazed glass prices, 28mm double glazed units, low e double glazing
Low E DGUs projects of Dragon Glass

Advantages of Low E double glazing units, Low E IGUs

Energy efficiency: The low-emissivity (Low E double glass) coating on the glass helps to reflect heat back into the room, reducing the amount of energy needed for heating and cooling. This can lead to lower energy bills and a reduced carbon footprint.

Increased comfort: Low E double glazing units help to keep rooms at a more consistent temperature, reducing cold spots and drafts. This can make homes more comfortable to live in.

UV protection: The Low E coating on the glass also helps to reduce the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation that enters the home. This can help to protect furniture, carpets, and other items from fading and damage.

Reduced condensation: Low E double glazing units have a higher insulating value than traditional single-pane windows, which means that they are less likely to have condensation build-up on the inside of the window.

Noise reduction: Double glazing units can provide a barrier against outside noise, making homes quieter and more peaceful.

Overall, Low E double glazing units can provide a range of benefits for homeowners, from increased energy efficiency to improved comfort and UV protection.

SDG Advanced Lisec intelligent plant for tempered glass, insulated glass, laminated glass

World most advanced Lisec intelligent plant for Low E double glazing units

1, Excellent quality guaranteed. With least labour usage and touching, and free of steel frame carriage.
2, Fast delivery. Complete insulated glass products in one day!
3, Competitive pricing, with large production capacity, we offer you best price to maximum your margin.

Certifcate of Shenzhen Dragon Glass insulated glazing units

Low E double glazing units, IGUs price, insulated glass cost, 24mm DGUs, double glazed sliding doors, double glazed glass prices, 28mm double glazed units, low e double glazing

Packages and packing of Low E double glazing units

Low E double glazing units, IGUs price, insulated glass cost, 24mm DGUs, double glazed sliding doors, double glazed glass prices, 28mm double glazed units, low e double glazing

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